Because calcium-zinc composite stabilizer does not contain toxic heavy metals, it is a low-toxicity PVC stabilizer, so it is gradually favored by customers, and the dosage is increasing year by year, which also represents the future development direction.

Ordinary calcium-zinc composite stabilizer is mainly used in the processing of soft PVC such as film and artificial leather. In recent years, the technical level of calcium-zinc composite stabilizers has been greatly improved, and high-performance varieties can be used for the processing of rigid PVC products. It is not possible to be suitable for the processing of all products. Therefore, in the process of use, the variety of calcium and zinc heat stabilizers should be reasonably selected according to the requirements of the produced products. If producing colored products, you can choose products with good long-term stability and relatively poor initial coloring inhibition effect. If producing white or transparent products, choose products with good initial coloring inhibition effect. In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the lubricity and precipitation of the pvc heat stabilizer can meet the processing requirements.

Thermal stability: Liquid calcium-zinc stabilizer can improve its thermal stability by adjusting the calcium-zinc ratio. The increase in calcium content increases the long-term thermal stability, and the increase in zinc content increases the initial coloring inhibition effect. In order to meet the processing requirements, the ratio of calcium and zinc needs to be adjusted according to the processing requirements of different products to achieve the effect.

As we all know, the calcium-zinc composite stabilizer itself has poor thermal stability, so when designing the formula of the liquid calcium-zinc stabilizer, the synergistic effect of the organic auxiliary heat stabilizer must be considered. In general, phosphites can improve thermal stability, antioxidants and epoxy compounds can improve long-term stability, and β-diketones can improve the effect of inhibiting initial coloration. Therefore, in the selection of organic auxiliary stabilizers, their functions should be fully considered and the ratio should be reasonable to achieve the desired effect.