Static heat stabilizers and dynamic heat stabilizers are specialized methods. In addition, the following simple and easy-to-understand calcium and zinc stabilizer usage standards are summarized for comparison.

1. Standard of calcium zinc stabilizer:

Good thermal stability is required, and the product is defect-free, uniform in color, and good in brightness. In addition, it can adapt to its own requirements for equipment, and the data looks stable.

2. The standard of calcium zinc stabilizer:

The initial whiteness was good. After some PVC pipes are produced and developed, they start to turn black in summer, which is a flaw of many stabilizer manufacturers. So how to solve this substantial problem depends on the raw materials used for calcium and zinc stabilizers. The following will introduce the conditions that the hydrotalcite used in the calcium-zinc stabilizer needs to meet continuously.

3. Calcium Zinc Stabilizer Standard:

The quality of suppliers is stable. I believe everyone can understand this. With so many things to do every day, who wants to worry about inconsistent supplier quality all day long? After the general product formula is fixed, it cannot be easily changed, otherwise time and energy cannot be ignored.

4. Calcium Zinc Stabilizer Standard:

For our PVC stabilizer and calcium-zinc stabilizer manufacturers, the difference in the price of main raw materials will cause high costs and economic burdens for our own development. So I didn’t aim for high performance. In the case of meeting the design requirements of product performance, it is necessary to select suitable products and stable calcium and zinc stabilizers.